Yes, I tattooed the place where I was killed, busy in the past. What kind of hair is this Cinema taxi? Linux battery sachi-phan Sinh causing a lot of traffic on the street out here. War sui season grandchildren all over this dance river. What fruit, what fruit is better than each other, what is the difference? America's words are very good, Phan. Tell me, the more Phong holds, the more he will sit. The gasoline city infers, but where is the CD Duyen you see? Drinking and drifting when going to the island. Quan Son's hand, Ngo Lang's image, drifting purple. I'm high, I can't see it. I'm rushing to Dad's house. Tho, their hearts will be separate from me, my comrade. I'm your father, please come and think about the three trees, come play and also ask, 'Where's the paint?' Only when I admit my memory is wrong, only I will install the toilet after the exam. D who died and drifted down the river, like my head drifting in love, only the goods will never leave. Then I'll leave and wait for my hand to come over and kiss each other. Forget it. If you're sad, kiss the watermelon in your yard. Know the cause of the premature birth. Let's go to the river. Sincere and attractive, it's not a bad day to be late. After we've been through for a long time, we should go home quickly. Let's just love each other and unite. It's nothing but a little bit. I'm sure I'll ask for forgiveness, please forgive me, please turn back and break into the same city. Sometimes the people of Xuan encounter that horny breed, and then spend too much. Son Tung, do you have a rabbit like with you? Yeah, yeah.
Q: What is the title of the content?
A: Reflections on Life
Q: Can you summarize the content?
A: The content seems to be a mix of random phrases and thoughts, including references to tattooing, cinema, traffic, season, fruit, family, memories, and love.